东莞市复兴饰品有限公司是一家集饰品设计、生产、销售为一体的综合大型企业。其下拥有自动车床和CNC数控、铸造等先进设备,以及高素质的设计和生产管理人才。**生产不锈钢、钛合金人体穿刺首饰,产品有肚脐环、耳环、鼻环、眉环、戒指等饰品,采用进口316L不锈钢**首饰原料,经医学鉴定对人体无害。 本公司将为您提供一手货源和较实惠的价格、货源充足、供货及时、种类齐全,在此竭诚欢迎海内外人士同我们真诚合作,共求发展,开拓进取! The Fu Xing Stainless Steel Ltd.Co is a broad--scale incorporated company which combines designing decoration,producing and saling products into a whole intact series.Our company owns autolathes,CNC numerical controls and moulds etc. these advanced facilities.We specialize in the production of stainless steel and titanium alloy decoration which is uesed for body puncturatio,ourproducts contain belly-rings,ear-rings,nose-rings eyebrow-rings and rings ect.Our company adopt imported 316L stalinless and special jewelry steel for producing and it is harmless to our human bodies in terms of medicine indentifying. Our company will offer you a first-hand supply of goods and the most substaintial price.Besides,we have eough products,we can offer products in time,we have all various kinds in hand so here we sincerely welcome businessmen home and abroad to work and develop together with us and open up a broder and brighter market.Best Regards,